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Annotated and lightweight tags

Git has two kinds of tags: annotated and lightweight.

  • An annotated tag is stored as an object. It contains the name of the user who created it (the tagger), it can be signed, etc.
  • A lightweight tag is like a branch that doesn't change.

Although using one kind or the other doesn't change anything most of the times, there are cases where knowing the difference is useful. GitHub Actions for instance, has a different behaviour for the two: when we push a lightweight tag which is on the latest commit of branch main, github.event.base_ref contains refs/heads/main. This allows us to run a workflow on new tags only created on the main branch:

- "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"

if: github.event.base_ref == 'refs/heads/main'

However, this doesn't work if the tag is annotated.

Commands like npm version create annotated tags, so we can just add a postversion script in package.json to convert the newly created annotated tag to a lightweight one:

tag=$(git tag --points-at HEAD)

git tag -d "$tag"
git tag "$tag" HEAD

See the whole files at